By hjkashld - 24/04/2012 01:48 - United States

Today, I faked back pain to get out of sex with my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 528
You deserved it 36 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That back pain is probably related to your lack of spine. And really, **** HER life. She deserves better.


Wouldnt it be the wife saying fml because her husband is faking back pain to get out of sex?

Damn! Tbh not a lot of guys would say no to sex. Thats bad =/

for some reason this just pisses me off. after spending over 6 months with a ruptured disc, and only able to have very infrequent and extremely careful sex, the idea of faking back pain makes me hope you actually get the back pain you so richly deserve.

phycoM1213 0

Why would you marry her if she was that ugly?

SueP_FL 2

this should be your wife's post -- you jerk.