By GogoTheGreat - 24/04/2012 02:12 - United States - Mission

Today, I saw a picture of a dude on a Harley on my friend's wall. I asked her if it was Dog the bounty hunter. It wasn't, it was her aunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 576
You deserved it 5 009

GogoTheGreat tells us more.

GogoTheGreat 12

Her hair was in her face so I couldn't tell if there was a beard or not.

Top comments

Damn, that must be a butch looking woman.

Doesn't Dog the Bounty Hunter have a huge moustache? O.o


I will have to disagree... Embarrassing moment for sure... I doubt OP meant to be rude

I personally thought this was hilarious and in no way OP's fault!

I don't think it would be an FML moment if they meant to be rude. It could go either way... But seems to me it was an honest mistake. Not OPs fault the women looks like dog the bounty hunter.

Mcstud1y 30

Doesn't Dog the Bounty Hunter have a huge moustache? O.o

I've seen a couple ladies with mustaches. Weird

Just throwing it out there, to the ladies with facial hair, wax that!

GogoTheGreat 12

Her hair was in her face so I couldn't tell if there was a beard or not.

Okay but, consider this... We do what the **** we wanna do with our hair. Anyway, FYL op, must have been an awkward moment for both of you haha

danimal_crackerz 26
YourOpinionSucks 22

Do what you want with your hair, just don't expect men to find you attractive if you're sporting a unibrow, mustache, and natural leg warmers

44 fmls submitted, 1 made it, YDI for saying FYL to every small situation like this one. lmao

wheelchairchick 11

I would hope a woman would shave it off.

Dude, that's just messed up. You should've kept quiet about it.

KendratheUnicorn 0

I agree with 20, maybe they were trying to make a lighthearted joke. Or even trying to talk the guy up. It just went poorly...because he's a she.

KiddNYC1O 20

knew* Maybe op is a Dog fan??

amberxxoo 6

Sometimes you just don't know until you ask.

An aunt who rides a Harley and looks like Dog the bounty hunter... I'm /almost/ jealous.

Dang, nice try, you shouldn't be too curious anyways!