By married an old man - 05/03/2013 17:57 - United States - Rancho Mirage

Today, I decided to come onto my husband to switch things up. When I started kissing and trying to undress him, he pushed me off, saying "What're you doing? Jeopardy's about to start." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 065
You deserved it 6 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll take dick husbands for a thousand, Alex.

What is "how to effectively ****-block oneself?"


I'll take dick husbands for a thousand, Alex.

"This man is known for rejecting sexual activity to watch gameshows." "What is... Morgan Freeman?" "Incorrect" "What is... OP's husband?" "Correct!"

#63 I think you are just stereotyping males all out to be sex driven animals now

Tell him you want to play "double jeopardy"

Your username says it all, "married an old man". Too cute!

He likes brains over beauty. I don't see the problem

Ironically enough, wives are generally considered the ones to push aside sexual advances.

What is "how to effectively ****-block oneself?"

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

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I kind of disagree, Jeopardy has its moments; plus Alex Trebek is a funny guy.

Next time DVR. Then you get sex and Jeopardy! Maybe your husband will be less whiney too.

What is a massive cockblock? Jeopardy!

"Not now, trabek in a little while...Alex -plain later."

I expect more from you pleo. Well done Howie

Bubbelz 25

Yep, yep... Perhaps he fears a heart attack; having sex at a high age can be dangerous!

beddington 7

I'm sorry, that answer is incorrect....must be made in the form of a question.

perdix 29

What is "You need to find a boyfriend?" I'll take Impotent Potables for 200, Alex.

Turd Ferguson. See it's a funny name

What a saucy asshole. I guess it's time for no sex time-out.

But she's also in time out.. Wouldn't it punish her even more?

beddington 7

I'm sorry, that answer is incorrect....must be made in the form of a question.