By Charitable - 30/06/2014 05:02 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I donated to a charity website. My card was repeatedly refused by the website but when I went on my account, I was charged for each time I tried. I was scammed by a charity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 572
You deserved it 8 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope they really use that money for charity.

I wouldn't be convinced they are a charity.


You can easily get that money back.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

Why would you automatically assume it is a fake charity? Sounds like computer error to me. Contact your bank and they'll reverse the duplicate charges. No big deal.

It is probably just a computer glitch. OP can call his card company and get thr charges reversed.

most likely not a double charge usually does not happen because if they cared about your credit card they would have a protection program for viruses that also in turn fights charging twice without a delay

I kinda want a follow up to this, and a possible link lol.

Well that's one way to reach their goal but still that's really mean

avila_boy22 12

And that's why I donate material goods to two institutions I know and trust. I give study books, notebooks, writing paper, clothes and furniture that are still in good condition but that i don't need anymore. Never money.