By Charitable - 30/06/2014 05:02 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I donated to a charity website. My card was repeatedly refused by the website but when I went on my account, I was charged for each time I tried. I was scammed by a charity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 572
You deserved it 8 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope they really use that money for charity.

I wouldn't be convinced they are a charity.


This is definitely normal for internet transactions. If there is some kind of error on either side (OP may have entered their billing address slightly incorrectly), the credit card will put a hold on the funds each time the charge goes through, but won't immediately authorize the charge. The "pending" time allows the credit card company to correct the duplicate charges. Although, it is best to go straight to the merchant to have them cancel the charges and speed things up. Don't blame the charity for online banking issues.

Contact you bank and say yes you tried once but none of the other charges are authorized so they are fraudulent charges. I ordered something online from overseas before and had that happen and Wells Fargo canceled that card gave me back my money and sent me a new card

Call the card company and cancel the charge

It's really a shame that you can do a good deed and decide to donate money and get scammed in the end. That really says a lot about the world we live in.

Call your card company and refuse all but one.

I really hope you actually donated to a charity and not to some scam artist that's still living in his parent's basement.

And this is why you don't keep trying over and over. Unless you know 100% that it actually didn't take, don't keep trying. YDI for not following a basic rule of using a card online.

They might not be actual charges. They might just be authorization attempts. Even though they failed to go through they would show up like that. They should disappear from your bank statement in a few days. (Source: I work for a website where we get accused of this sometimes)