By Charitable - 30/06/2014 05:02 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I donated to a charity website. My card was repeatedly refused by the website but when I went on my account, I was charged for each time I tried. I was scammed by a charity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 572
You deserved it 8 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope they really use that money for charity.

I wouldn't be convinced they are a charity.


Yikes. I guess you're done donating for a while..

Not really. OP should contact the customer support of the charity if it's really legit. Otherwise contact the bank to cancel transactions and report the fraud too. Then use the money for some real charity.

make the best of it and brag about how much money you gave to Charity! congrats your a great person!

You know you're American when you have to brag about giving to charity.

If you give to a hooker named Charity, then you know you're a Brit.

Probably a fake charity. Find out first. If they are fake, sue their ass!

soveryunoriginal 23

Hopefully you didn't lose much.

Octwo 16

Call you credit card company and tell them to cancel the charges. No big deal.

Agreed. Multiple donations, one after the other, is obviously a computer error. I doubt they will even question it. I also doubt it was the charity's fault. It happens. And I tend to doubt everything.

jsrpooh 10
Sierra7211 17

It's a lucky day for the Nigerian prince, then

strawberrywine22 30

It probably isn't even a charity. Probably someone running using it as a front and planning a fancy vacation with your donation. I'm sorry OP. That really does suck. Talk to your bank? Maybe they can get the money back. And don't donate to charities that aren't well-known and proven legitimate.

It wasnt necessarily a scam. It could have been a computer error. Has happened to me using paypal. I trued ti buy something and Paypal gave me an error screen. I tried a few more times and ended up with 4 charges. I got it fixed with a callvto Paypal though.

That overused stock phrase is starting to make me actually lose faith in humanity.

numberswoman 14

Contact your bank or card company. They need to know.