By Jay - 02/08/2010 17:23 - United States

Today, I discovered our AOL billing information. Turns out we've been paying for dial-up via automatic bill paying that we thought we cancelled in 2000. $1,800 later, we called to cancel. Customer service congratulated us on being loyal members for over 13 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 669
You deserved it 30 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, fail. AOL should be changed to "LOL"

#1 How would you not notice the monthly billing deduction from your bank account? #2 Why do you even have AOL on your computer still?


Peytonlikesme 0

All u ****** guys do is sit on ur fat asses all day doin this. Writin comments. People git up and exercise. Fat asses

BallinJ 0

agrees with 38. you deserve it for ever having aol.

Now something similar happened to my parents when my dad canceled AOHELL. Theirs came in the form of a collections attempt for non payment since he'd canceled the debit card and got a new one. Only took a 2hr phone call to AOHELL to fix this. Sounds like you should have been more diligent buddy. FYL for being dumb enough to not notice the money coming out of your account for 10 yrs. I know within days if there's a random charge.

sallen0046 4

You've been paying a bill for ten years and just now noticed it? How, in ten years have you never once looked at your bank statements, never once bother to actually check that your service had actually been canceled, or never needed to update your automatic payment options? It doesn't matter how you pay, they send statements, and paperless statements weren't a big thing ten years ago like they are now. Have you just been throwing them away? You've got to be a complete moron for this to even be possible.

BallinJ 0

agrees with 38. you deserve it for ever having aol.

if you have the money and don't live paycheck to paycheck then you're not going to notice a small charge like $15-25. but aol should've apologized or given you something for their mistake

yeah they probably gave then three free months and then started charging them directly again. rofl

_princess61522_ 0

34- hahahaa yeah that's exactly what it is(:

swiftcreek2007 0