By Anonymous - 28/02/2013 07:19 - United States - Portland

Today, I found that someone had paid off my $16,500 student loan. I was so excited that I called my family and posted on Facebook about how awesome it was. Then I called the loan company and found out that they had just sold my loan to another company; no one had actually paid it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 489
You deserved it 14 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.

I think I would have called and confirmed with the company that the loans had been payed off before getting too excited OP. You kind of set yourself up for disappointment.


If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.

You sound like Rick from Pawn Stars lol. It's a very true statement, however.

"let me call my buddy... he's an expert in this"

tjv3 10

Just wait it out and the govt will pay it off.

I have student loans myself, so I totally get your reaction OP

mega20913 8

I feel for you OP..I have almost 18K in loans and my payments start in a couple weeks

I think I would have called and confirmed with the company that the loans had been payed off before getting too excited OP. You kind of set yourself up for disappointment.

Mister_Triangle 21

Yeah, who did she think paid it off? The Student Loan Fairy?

#18, Rolling Jubilee is actually buying up debt and paying it off, though I think they only do that with debt that's in default. Still, any unexpected change in loan or bill balances should be checked on before making assumptions or not making the next payment.

Rolling jubilee also can't touch federal student loans. If this is a private loan that would be a possibility. Pretty much if its a federal loan you have to pay it. Hopefully it's voluntary, if not wages can be garnished as well as taxes offset. You can't hide from a federal debt.

exactly. how naive must one be to instantly believe that someone had paid their loan? do you ever get suspicious, OP?

Since your parents and facebook friends must have seemed surprised, that might have been a hint that no one you know paid it off for you. False happiness is the worst, enjoy your loan buddy.

That's shit, but you should have checked before you got excited :(

So somebody paying off your loan is more likely to happen than a mistake or change at the company? Wish my life was like that.

Rancor 5

You gotta watch out now, some companies have been known to buy up loans then jack up the prices.

Hope you didn't call the new company acting like an asshole because you were so sure it was paid in full. I work at a student loan company. Oh the stories I could tell... Some of you people are real jerks for no reason!!!

chlorinegreen 27

When money is involved it can really aggravate, and turn, even the kindest of people. Your job must suck.

It doesn't suck. I actually help a lot of people. There are just those few who can't realize the blame really lies in themselves. All the information is presented to you in the very beginning. People want to argue or try to get out of their loan....Excuses are like assholes. Everyone has them and they all stink, people need to learn responsibility.

Hmm. In the UK our student loan company is absolutely ******* useless. Tonnes of people get ****** over by them because they know we can't go anywhere else since they're the only student loan company. The amount of times they've lost peoples' paperwork, failed to send the loan through until weeks (7 weeks in the case of my house mate - she had absolutely no money to live on until the end of term) later, lost peoples' details so they have to be sent again (happened to me multiple times in fact)... I personally think there needs to be more than 1 company; they clearly can't handle the immense workload. But yeah, people trying to get out of paying their loans back is pretty ridiculous/out of order. But there are 2 sides to every story.

I still don't have my student loan for this year :(

upallnight11 19

Loans never suddenly disappear.