By Jay - 02/08/2010 17:23 - United States

Today, I discovered our AOL billing information. Turns out we've been paying for dial-up via automatic bill paying that we thought we cancelled in 2000. $1,800 later, we called to cancel. Customer service congratulated us on being loyal members for over 13 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 669
You deserved it 30 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, fail. AOL should be changed to "LOL"

#1 How would you not notice the monthly billing deduction from your bank account? #2 Why do you even have AOL on your computer still?


randomviolet 0
hug_the_wall 0
goldieglock 5
zakkkotthoff 5

So you thought that twenty bucks was just going to what exactly?

anyone918 0

you posted this wrong. here, i'll fix it...."Today, I realized that I'm not smart enough to use online banking and I don't keep track of my money. My ignorance cost me 1, far. FML"

Jsalcedo23 0

ydi for having aol. what is this 2001?

starberries 0

Yes, you stupid ****, it was actually pre-2001 when they canceled it.

Lea823 0

obviously you don't pay attention to what's coming out of your bank account? YDI for being irresponsible

Lea823 0

108- I love it haha to funny couldn't agree more!

Unfortunately I can understand that. We "canceled" our AOL account once upon a time and we had to close our bank account because they refused to believe we wanted to cancel in the first place. :

Lea823 0

yeah you had to cancel your bank account but no reason it should of took them TEN years to realize it!