By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 16:11 - United States - Barrington

Today, I decided to try wearing eyeshadow, even though I'm not that girly. When I asked for help after several failed attempts, my sister walked in and said, "It's easy, just do what I do." She put the makeup on herself and looked amazing. She's eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 989
You deserved it 6 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering why the 8 year old is wearing make up?

Teddzz 19


Dont feel too bad. Im 20 and learning on my own how to do my make up. I usually just used eyeliner and mascara all the time up till high school and started experimenting. Im getting better at it. Watch youtube videos. I usually do brown on my lids and white in the corner of my eyes to make it lighter and it makes my blue eyes pop more. Dont need much. Less is more, trust me. Stick to something simple. Find colors that will make your eyes pop and some mascara and blush and thats really all you need unless you want to use foundation.

Unless your sister takes an activity like dance for example where you're required to wear makeup for the stage (or just plays dress up for fun a lot), I don't see why an eight year old should be wearing makeup and know how to apply makeup.

Life_sucks_13 6

That's okay OP. I have to YouTube it. I understand where you come from.

Bunny21 11

Really make up at 8 years old? I remember playing outside with water balloons and getting scrapes from falling. Good times, real kid times.

YOUR "real kid" times. Just because she's wearing makeup at eight doesn't mean she's having a bad childhood. I played with water balloon and got scrapes from falling too. I also wore lip gloss and lip stick a dozen times. It's make-up, not drugs!

Yeah, but I think the difference is in that you were probably just being silly and exploring things when you were putting make up during your childhood. The "she looked amazing" and the teaching of how to wear make up, implies that she is doing it for the show and regularly. And in that case, you have to agree that there is something wrong with a society who makes an 8 year old so fixated on appearance.

Again, perhaps she just likes it. I never used eyeshadow because I don't like putting anything near my eyes. Yes, she could have low self-esteem, but she could also just like wearing it. How do we know she's wearing it because she's fixated on her appearance? That's a big assumption to make from a small piece of information. And with that logic, the same could be said for anyone of any age who wears make-up. In short, you're making a generalization, which is unfair. I think there's something wrong with a society that acts like make-up is always a sign of a self-esteem problem.

beneathitallxx 15

My 12y.o cousin does my make up whenever shes over and I have to go out. It's a gift lol ! Just let her teach you like i did. Haha

Don't be sad OP. I don't either. And in my opinion, a face without eyeshadow is better than one that looks like a black eye. :) Yes, I'm That bad. Hehe

DjMonroe95 11

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it, it just takes practice :) Try applying a light soft colour when you first teach yourself so it won't be too harsh looking and you can blend and rub it off more easily.

Go to youtube. Look up makeup application videos. Learn to apply makeup. Practice applying makeup. Simple!