By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 15:20 - United States - Seattle

Today, I was meeting my boyfriend's family for the first time. The minute I stepped in the door his mother hit me in the face and kicked me out because I was "the slut her husband cheated on her with." My older sister and I look much alike. Too much alike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 805
You deserved it 4 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why wouldn't your boyfriend have cleared that up?

Were you aware of that situation prior to this? If your boyfriend means a lot to you, have a sit down with his mother once she's calmed down, and hopefully you can get things resolved. Good luck!


Why wouldn't your boyfriend have cleared that up?

He more than likely didn't know that was gonna happen right away is my guess. How would he know about her sister unless op had known and told him? Small world none the less

I guess it's a matter of whether or not he knew, and when he learned about it. Hopefully he is able to talk to his mother about how OP isn't her own sister. Future family meetings will be awkward for awhile, no doubt.

DeathInACan 3

How would you be able to predict that your mom was going to smack/punch/scissor kick your girlfriend the moment she walked in..?

45 - Depends how open the affair was. Nothing says either way in the FML...

Were you aware of that situation prior to this? If your boyfriend means a lot to you, have a sit down with his mother once she's calmed down, and hopefully you can get things resolved. Good luck!

GuessWhatKids 13

Sounds like the plot for a drama show.

You mean a Jerry springer episode? Actually this is probably too tame for that.

narkill 13

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If you looked like a kardashian there would be a 2/3 chance you'd be attractive so this is definitely not a bright side...

Yeah, they aren't the most interesting people in the world but they are famous, attractive, and have lot of money. Not sure why you would not want to be a Kardashian.

I wish I looked like one of those lovely ladies!

I wouldn't consider people like the Kardashians "lovely". Maybe "selfish" or "trashy" or "whoreish" or "useless" or "Armenian Brothel material". But not "lovely".

send her a photo with your sister with some chocolates and a cake ..maybe she'll get it say that you're the good twin not the evil one

Or, ya know, just tell her about it and explain the situation..

Ouch! That must really suck. You should reconsider your relationship. I don't think the mom would ever get over the fact that you look like her husbands mistress :/

I don't know why this is thumb'd down. Sure its irrational to hold her accountable for her sisters actions but its what is likely to happen. The mom will never trust her and always bad mouth her because her husband is an ass. If the resemblance is close enough she will always see her as a reminder of her unfaithful husband. Unfair and unlikely to get better.

Can you imagine a grandchild in OP's image? Gifts from grandma would be dark makeup sets labeled 'To: Future *****'.

23 - And this is why we have minds of our own and don't sit under out parents thumb for out whole lives.

So I'm guessing family reunions will be scarce in the future.

vencku 13

This is what I thought. Not all partners have their families become one big happy group, but you seem to be off to the worst possible start. I think I'd reconsider this relationship. You probably weren't with him that long, so better you make an informed decision before you get more involved.

I see his mom knows how to handle things like an adult... I'm sure she goes along the street punching every girl that looks like your sister too so share the love!

Wow, sorry to hear OP. Hopefully your boyfriend shot to your defense. Still, you'd probably want to reconsider the relationship as there will probably be nothing but drama through it, especially if his mom continuously prods you about your sis.