Don't tread on me

By Kate - 23/04/2009 14:09 - United States

Today, I was waiting for the train. It arrived, I got on and the woman behind me stepped on the back of my shoe. My shoe came flying off and landed in the gutter between the train and the platform. The doors closed, the train pulled away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 926
You deserved it 3 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks to be going somewhere with only one shoe on weird and embarrassing. :P Also depending on where you're going, it could be pretty messy without a shoe.


You're waiting for a train... A train that will take you far away...

HI PERSON FROM THE FUTURE :D I love you reference

damn. hope the shoe wasn't expensive. it sucks that you're down a shoe now! lol

stargirl14 0

what kind of shoes do you wear?! when someone walks on the back of my shoes that def doesnt happen

googlefrewdnoob 0
Jordie210 0

It sucks to be going somewhere with only one shoe on weird and embarrassing. :P Also depending on where you're going, it could be pretty messy without a shoe.

If she didn't apologize it doubles the FML of this story. If it was an expensive shoe, it triples it.