By isaacBENNETT - 17/03/2009 07:25 - United States

Today, I decided to introduce my girlfriend to my parents by telling them that we were gonna have a very special guest for dinner. While my mom was preparing the meal she asked, "What does he like?" I'm straight. My parents thought different. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 412
You deserved it 7 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what if they just thought it was a good friend...

I see your point... I've had male friends over for dinner and I am definitely not gay. And OP, besides, consider yourself lucky! If you ever decided to become gay (haha or even bi) at least you know your parents are accepting!


what if they just thought it was a good friend...

I see your point... I've had male friends over for dinner and I am definitely not gay. And OP, besides, consider yourself lucky! If you ever decided to become gay (haha or even bi) at least you know your parents are accepting!

^ Optimism like this is rarely seen on this site

Very true, my friend. Usually it's just a bunch of pessimists with bad grammar yelling at people to "gtfo."

Lol @ #2! Brilliant. Or tell them no. You decided that your really into older men.... like your father. Just to freak them out. :-P

I agree with #1. They probably just thought it was a guy since you are a guy. GOD

I agree with #1 and #5. Although, if you think that they thought you were gay, you probably should act less like it.

You know they might have thought you'll bring home a friend for dinner, eh? Genious :)

hysterical 1
llamingo 8

Lol spelling genius wrong is pretty ironic

ummmyeahhh 0

guess they don't know you very well. maybe you should spend more time with the girlfriend and less at home?

sunshyne84_fml 0

a friend wouldnt be announced as a very special guest, hence the fml, but hey I'm with #4 we definitely need one of those

#2 - genius. OP, let's hope they're just as open-minded when the girl is over at dinner. Good luck!