By lostinspace - 04/09/2013 16:24 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I couldn't sleep due to an awful head cold, so I stayed home from work. Apparently, the local high school marching band practices in the park across the street at 9am. They're doing the Imperial March music from Star Wars. They suck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 902
You deserved it 3 635

Same thing different taste


DayQuil and some calming music should do the trick!

NyQuil will help you sleep, and specifically, type in "most relaxing song in the world" on YouTube or whatever you use. That shit knocks me out cold before I know what hit me!

If you think that's loud wait until the rebels show up.

MerrikBarbarian 9

I'd be more concerned about the Emperor... Rebels don't throw force lightning from their hands :p

Must've been a band of troopers. Can't hit targets, & I guess they can't hit notes either.

I feel you OP, that sucks! I'd take out my noise cancelling headphones and listen to some smooth mellow music. Get well soon!

Awh man, I'd invest in some earplugs...or maybe lightsabers to go fight them off :) would be a better idea (I got carried away there)

Or maybe she was genuinely complimenting his smile. Goddam million-dollar smile with them pearly whites!

I'm not being thirsty, and I agree that guy has a fantastic smile. Gosh.

I was in the high school marching band, and ours practiced at our own field (in the middle of a residential area) starting at 7:30 AM. I suddenly feel really bad for the people who live that area.

dang! when I was in marching band we waited til 1pm to have practices, and had the occasional evening practice! our theme was Pirates of the Caribbean :)

We practiced every single morning Monday-Friday from 7:30 until was our first period class. The outside practices would go from the first day of school until early November, so it was really cold in the mornings toward the end. We also had 3 hour practices every Tuesday and Thursday evening from June until November, and two weeks of band camp in early August. On Fridays, we had football games to attend, and on Saturdays we competed. If the competition was close by, we'd meet up and practice for a few hours before we made the bus trip. It might be masochistic, but I still miss that every day, and it's been 7 years since high school.

I live right by a school with a morning practice marching band and it's not too bad. Theyre actually good at playing, though. Some mornings its fun to go outside with some coffee and listen in, it feels like being part of the band without actually being able to play an instrument. :)

kyleelynn170194 4

Yeah I'm in the marching band currently and knowing some of the music that we do, that really must suck. I've had a headache at practice at 7:30am and let me just say, it is HORRIBLE!!

Stick your head out and tell them they suck in a Darth Vader voice

The_9th_Doctor 18

you are a traitor and part of the Rebel Alliance. take her away

The_9th_Doctor 18

join with them and show em how it's done.

There's no way Yoda-serve it, but at least you have something to entertain you.