By DaveAlmighty - 02/07/2009 07:22 - United States

Today, I caught some perverts sitting in a car in front of my house, spying on my neighbors. When they refused to leave, I grabbed a baseball bat and they sped off in a hurry. Later, those same perverts came back to arrest my neighbors for drug trafficking. I had threatened cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 210
You deserved it 12 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had no way of knowing if they were doing their job right. FYL

kath91 0

You weren't to know, if they were sitting in front of your house they deserved it.


easylazy 0

HAHAHA this is a hilaaaarious FML!!! But your life isn't ******...

thetr00per 0

if they were cops, wouldn't they arrested you

I can't believe there are people here defending this moron. This guy was about to use possibly lethal force against people just for sitting in a car? And calling them perverts is supposed to make that right? I'm glad I don't live around where all of you paranoid vigilantes live...

#100, you are my hero. It seems that if you call someone a pervert, you can do whatever you want to them, and everyone will support you. This is why when someone accuses another of sexual abuse or anything like that, a counter-suit should be automatic if the case was a complete falsehood.

CeeCee_fml 16

So you think it is normal for people to sit outside someone's house in a car with binoculars pointed at them? They obviously weren't just "sitting in a car".

milgalo 0

There's a difference between just sitting in your car, and someone sitting there the entire day, watching their house with binoculars. If I saw someone watching someone's house with binoculars, or sitting there for a long time doing nothing, I'd think they were pervs too! Any normal person in the car would just explain themselves, and no one would just sit in their car WATCHING someone's house without being a perv or a cop. Considering they were undercover, he thought the were pervs. FYLIA, [**** yer life is awesome~!] I think you're a hero for helping out a neighbor, I sure as hell wouldn't want perverts near my house! Sucks about yer neighbors, though.

Bahaha I love you. YDI for being dramatic But at least you were looking out for your neighbors (even if they were trafficking drugs)

Maybe you should mind your own bussiness. YDI.

Now they think you're involved in drug trafficking :p

um, did they do anything? im sick of pointless fmls ughhh.

hey atleast you made them feel good about themselves. Now they know that they make good undercover cops.

you did the right thing man. So did they. If they'd told you who they were you might have told your neighbors to watch out

Not your fault. You were protecting your neighborhood. I'm sure you can apologize to them later.