By Anonymous - 19/09/2011 14:26 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend of two years cheating on me. Instead of the usual excuses, he panicked and claimed he was my boyfriend's long-lost twin brother. He even tried to put on a fake accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 722
You deserved it 3 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missL1z 5

Ingenious! Wow! He really thought he could get away with that?!


ArielTheMermaid 17

So you've been dating Forest Gump for two years?????

HomelessMuslim 0

Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. It probably is his twin. You should believe him and than call you boyfriend and tell him.

ibanez330 2

wait wait wait, so he claims that he did it with his long lost brother? could someone explain this to me?

bocshi83 1

I was wondering when someone else was going to catch it was a guy writing the fml and not a girl..either way it all still sucks!

ibanez330 2

lol right? haha, and yes it does still suck :/

Say to the girl he's cheating on that he has a small penis :)

woody768 0

You took the words right out of my mouth...well I guess I should say off of my fingertips :P