By angrymother - 27/07/2016 01:21

Today, I caught my 20 year old daughter having sex with my best friend's husband. Apparently it's my fault for coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 808
You deserved it 1 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is insane. Tell your best friend about who she REALLY married. I never understood cheaters. Why cheat? It's only going to hurt others, and if you cheat you're being a wimp for not bringing up how unhappy you are in your current relationship.

I would suggest that you confront your daughter about this, as well as informing your best friend. This is a breach of trust between your best friend and her husband, and just plain disgusting.


Okay, maybe I missed it, and maybe I'm just nuts, but are any of you even realizing the significance that this man is her best friend's husband having sex with her daughter? He's likely 15-20 years older than the daughter! Unless this is a new "best friend"? Even if you don't care about age, in THIS case it matters because he probably watched her grow up! He was likely a SECOND FATHER to her, AND HE IS ******* HER. Talk about a mind **** for the daughter! And you really think this started NOW?! I really hope this is a new husband and that he hasn't been in the picture very long. If he's been around as the "best friend's husband" for a long time, this is ALL on him. I don't care that the daughter is an adult or that you may think she's responsible or not.

Yeah, that's pretty weird and creepy. He may have been referred to as her "uncle" growing up. Some relationships with large age differences are happy and healthy but this is different because he likely knew her as a child. If the friendship was recent it's a little different but chances are, it's been much longer.

Ok, assuming that they didn't start the relationship that long ago, and the law in their country is 18 as the age of consent, AND right now I'm neglecting the fact of cheating for the sake of this argument. Does it really matter if he is older? Everyone has their own fetishes, but if he waited until she was old enough it doesn't really matter what he does as long as it's within the law. SHE IS AN ADULT and she has her own rights to **** whoever she wants, and he is also an adult who can **** whoever he wants (within the law of course) so there's no harm in the two ******* even if they are 20 years age apart. It's not like it's incest either.

heatherrr17 19

I can't believe you're daughter would do that to you

Wtf this is messed up on so many levels!

Aiden89 23

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!, but in all seriousness thats rather unfortunate.

How DARE YOU come home early?!? So disrespectful. :( Shaking my head.


Tell your daughter that you don't approve of her decisions, tell your best friend and let them deal with it. They are adults and they need to work it out.