Diversion tactics

By Anonymous - 19/10/2021 08:00

Today, upon getting the paperwork for my Court Diversion, I found out I had to write an apology letter to my brother. The brother who sent me to jail for trying to get him to stop abusing his girlfriend, and holding him instead of fighting when he charged at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 043
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's never a good idea to get involved in cases of domestic violence. as cold as it sounds usually both memebers of the couple turn on the person trying to help. the abuse is not new to the abused yet they're staying with their abuser, there's a reason for that. best thing to do in those situations is call then cops and hope the abused gets they help they need. hopefully you didn't get into too much legal trouble. to be clear I'm not saying this is always the case but it is not uncommon.

Royal Sataness 4

are you in the US? I feel like you're in the US. welcome to the bullshit justice system, where the victim usually gets screwed over


You should apologize for your poor sportsmanship. The clinch is a move done by second-rate boxers when they're too tired to fight. Had you just given him a straight right to the nose when he charged you, it would have been settled then and there, without the cops and the courts. You probably could have taken the girlfriend for your own after your conquest.

it's never a good idea to get involved in cases of domestic violence. as cold as it sounds usually both memebers of the couple turn on the person trying to help. the abuse is not new to the abused yet they're staying with their abuser, there's a reason for that. best thing to do in those situations is call then cops and hope the abused gets they help they need. hopefully you didn't get into too much legal trouble. to be clear I'm not saying this is always the case but it is not uncommon.

Royal Sataness 4

are you in the US? I feel like you're in the US. welcome to the bullshit justice system, where the victim usually gets screwed over