By Theo - 18/12/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I came home to find my room completely torn apart. My mom and dad start yelling at me asking me why I am doing drugs because she found a tiny baggie on the floor. It was the little bag that spare buttons come in when you buy a dress shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 915
You deserved it 2 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reyo 2

So let me get this straight, you never found any drugs, right? We found this baggie! But did you find any DRUGS? We found this bag- I didn't ask if you found a baggie, I know you found a baggie, I asked if you found any DRUGS. Bag- DRUGS! ba- DRUGS! ...b- DRUGS! fucken thought so.


What is the street price on those buttons, or is that a button of crack?

schwinn11 0

One day you're sit'n around with your buddies smoke'n buttons, and the next thing you know 10 years has passed by and you've moved on to doing zippers and clothes pins.

schwinn11 0

One day you're sit'n around with your buddies smoke'n buttons, and the next thing you know 10 years has passed by and you've moved on to doing zippers and clothes pins.

People wouldnt try zippers if people could buy buttons in regular shops. The problem is that when they go to buy buttons they might get offered to try something else "to keep them warm" Buttons is harmless people! It's the zipper that ***** up the penis

newsgit 0

the above two posts are full of win.

perdix 29

Spare buttons? Of LSD, I'll bet! Busted!

ThisismeBaby 0

thats pretty funny haha no parent would believe it was a button bag haha hilarious

Sorry, I was going to tell you that I took the rest of your buttons, but I got distracted while rolling my face off.

My friend thinks I do weed because he found a bag which once contained safety pins. Oy. How else do you store safety pins and buttons?? It even had safety pin imprints on it

My mom and dad found a baggie of catnip in my room. The original bag it came in had a hole in it. Boy that was fun trying to get out of that one. lol