
By Katelyn_Louise - 01/05/2021 10:01 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, someone left their drug bag on the table in the lounge at my place, probably a friend, and probably a mistake. The next minute the cops knock on the door and force their way in. Immediately the cop spots the drug bag and cuffs me. It wasn't even my bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 497
You deserved it 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turnabouttrial 21

hey I've been gone for a while because the app wouldn't open without crashing-- where did Richard pencil go?

Jeremy Strang 7

A tale written by someone vaguely aware of the concepts of drugs and police, but has had no interaction with either of them, and has a child's grasp of both.


turnabouttrial 21

hey I've been gone for a while because the app wouldn't open without crashing-- where did Richard pencil go?

tc201002 11

I’ve noticed that Richard pencil hasn’t posted in awhile either. Hope all is good with him

Marcella1016 31

Same...no idea. I figured he’d maybe gotten suspended again but I haven’t seen him in a couple weeks. Have wondered if he started posting from another account.

I’ve noticed his absence, too. It’s been for at least a month now.

ojoRojo 27

I’ve been wondering too! Maybe the same thing happened to him? It happened to me too but now the app works for me again. Hope he comes back soon!

xxlk4xx 6

I've wondered that too! they used to comment on EVERYTHING lol. I hope they're OK!

Good question. Some weirdo actually accused me of being him with a different account. Hope he comes back to clear the rumors.

Marcella1016 31

Sure, “cuz” 😉 Haha just kidding :) I actually play a little game with myself wondering who he might be based on the content of the posts. My most recent guess is plop. But I’m probably totally wrong. And probably also need to find better hobbies 😂😂

Ambrily 27

Lol. Ot gonna lie, I do the same thing.

Jeremy Strang 7

A tale written by someone vaguely aware of the concepts of drugs and police, but has had no interaction with either of them, and has a child's grasp of both.

bleachedraven 14

Sounds like strippers 🤣

I'm pretty sure you got set up by your friend in a sting, so he/she could get a deal for some prosocution charge

DoctorPALO 14

Maybe don't allow illegal drugs in your home?

OP, may I make a suggestion? Something that may have not occurred to you? How about you STOP ASSOCIATING WITH PEOPLE WHO DO DRUGS? Just a tip.