By SadDad - 22/09/2012 18:11 - United States - Alexandria

Today, I came home to find my eight-year-old son had basically set fire to the kitchen, after trying to practice some kind of stupid shit he'd seen on TV called "fire bending." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 9 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_cookie4 7

Thats avatar. I always liked that show when o was young though.

FlamingTacos 7


It was all fun and games until the fire nation attacked .

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Is it ironic I was watching Legend of Korra right before I read this FML?

If your kid watched Avatar, he's gonna grow up to be a good person. Avatar is the best thing America ever created.

FYI Avatar is a Korean creation not sure if america even did the dubbing

Mearemoi 14

#220 - What in the world are you talking about? A:TLA and TLOK are American made. "American made" as in animated and voiced in America. I don't even know where you got Korean from; if anything, it was influenced by Japanese anime and manga.

That's why we don't let our son watch anything without supervising whatever on TV. And explain what is the good, and bad things. After that, we ask a out his opinion.

Wow, I must be the only person who does not like the Avatar series. I have nothing bad to say about it, though. Whoever was watching your kid while you were away did a very bad job. I do hope your son is alright, at least.

Well, then, you're son's an idiot, because my 5 year old has seen the show and hasn't tried it!

Chibitalia180 6

Well, he could of not really thought of trying it.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, I love that show! You have a great kid :)

acetheone 8

his fire bending technique worked, i presume. tough luck op, just hope he won't try water bending and flood your house.

So he's not a bender of elements, a wizard or a vampire but at least supervise when he tries to imitate the fictional things he sees on TV.

raraisbang 12

Please god, tell me where in the fml it says the kid is alone? I'm sure the dad didn't leave his kid alone. Theres these cool things called babysitters, mothers, older siblings...

ThatOneTimeLord 25

I feel you're just going to comments that say this and bashing them.