By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 00:09 - United States - Green Bay

Today, I came home and saw my cat all snuggled up with another cat on the sofa. I thought it was the cutest thing ever, until I remembered that I only have one cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 507
You deserved it 5 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I guess you dont have one cat anymore.

markcallanan_ 20

That reminds me of the time a stray cat walked into my friends house and we gave him milk. He stayed there for 7 months. Haha.


Daww, poor kitty just wanted a friend, pets get lonely to you know.

I got my second cat in a unique way. A friend of mine lived in the next apartment whenever my sister and I went next door to visit our first cat would sit at the wall and yowl because having been abandoned as a kitten he was very attached to us. We gave in and started bringing him with us. Then for her daughter's birthday she go her a kitten. The two cats fell in love. When the mom's boyfriend moved in he didn't care for the cat (she loves to attack toes and once destroyed a whole bag of toilet paper) so when the kids went to see their father we started to bring her over to our apartment, she lived with us every other week. Eventually she just stayed with us all the time even though she was technically still the little girl's (the mom would buy cat food and give it to us). Once she went into heat we told her it was time for the cat to be fixed. We gave her until the second heat cycle then we said we're fixing her so she's ours. Long story short we have a pretty little girl cat named Stryder (the girls father was a huge fan of LOTR she also called all jewelry my precious)

Any idea as to HOW this other cat got into your home?

this exact thing happened to me...I now have 6 cats ._.

I guess you could say you're a Pussy magnet

You must of been like "Look how cute my cats look together. . . .Wait a minute, I only have one cat."

kittykat1501 31

I knew right away it wasn't your cat, ur you would have said your cats were snuggling and I thought that was cool