By expen_dable - 06/07/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, I came home and found out that my new roommate, who smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and drinks heavily 5 nights a week, had smashed my $300 bong because "weed is a horrible and deadly drug that will kill you slowly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 554
You deserved it 36 919

expen_dable tells us more.

expen_dable 0

1. my roommates a girl 2. My old roommate and I both bought the bong and split the price but when she transferred colleges she let me keep it 3. my roommate does drink usually 5 nights a week and she is 19 so she isn't exactly law abiding either

Top comments

Ok. If he wants to play that game then go pour any bottle of booze he has in the house down the drain, crush any pack of smokes of his you see and give him the same line about booze and nicotine. That will either stop his hypocrisy or shut him the hell up.

I would have killed him. no exageration. he would be dead. I would have shoved the pack of cigs so far up his ass he would puke tobacco!


WTF thats so not cool you cant even get hurt from tetra hydro cannibal you cant get cancer it stimulates your brain cells cures about 20 diferent ilnesses includign cronic pain and ts ******* using the most addictive drug in the world. beer. it pisses me off whn people do shit without knowing there facts ****

Anon17564 3

Beer's not really the most addictive drug in the world, y'know. Alcohol is addictive, which cannabis isn't, which is correct. But there's plenty more addictive than alcohol. Crack cocaine, for example, is a fair bit more addictive. I also find it hard to believe it cures illnesses, although I have not seen any studies for this. Chronic pain, using the example given, is a symptom however; it can ease and treat symptoms for certain. What I'm trying to say is don't try to oversell a good thing. You're mirroring the government's stance on cannabis exactly; they use hyperbole, emotional blackmail and pseudo-science backed up by handwaving to put down cannabis to please red-top newspapers. (It's scary how much policy in the UK is done to please the Daily Mail; the newspaper that not so long ago was praising the UK's National Front). What you're doing is using hyperbole and blind faith based off of what your mate told you backed up by handwaving to promote cannabis (a worthy goal, I agree).

I agree with number 5!!!! Weed is stupid. But so is drinking and smoking. You are just killing yourself!!

That is just fantastic. Sorry to hear about it! Yeah, okay, weed is dumb, but so is just about everything else. Destruction of private property is not exactly the best way to convey your feelings about someone else's habits.

You know, they actually did a study that they use in a lot of educational material that says that marijuana kills brain cells. You know how they did that study? They stuck a bunch of monkies in a box and filled it with smoke and deprived them of oxygen. Great study! You deprive anything of oxygen it'll die or get stupid.

brrrx 0

Weed supporters: Yeah you're finding a lot of ignorance, but you people are being ignorant too. "People have THC receptors in their brain." Of course they do. What's your point? There are receptors for tons of substances in the brain. How about dopamine? Does that make the hardcore drugs better, because there are receptors for the substances in the brain? Therefore clearly we were born to use them, right? "Marijuana is all-natural." So what? So is opium. So is ethyl alcohol - notice how it comes from different substances? Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is the byproduct of one of the two types of anaerobic cellular respiration (firmentation) - the other being lactic acid (the stuff that makes your muscles burn in exercise. Tobacco is also a plant. "Marijuana is non-habit forming." Yes it is. It may not be physically addictive, but it is at least somewhat psychologically addictive and habit-forming. I have friends who can't fall asleep at night without a joint to relax them first. I also have friends who give up weed for whatever their sports season is every year, and find it really hard to quit, just because it's what they do when they're with their friends, and they don't have anything else to do. "Marijuana has fewer problems associated with it." Depending on the amount of substance used, driving stoned can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. However, with alcohol being legal, it is more widely-used than weed, and people are less afraid to be in public under the influence of alcohol. Since way more people get drunk than stoned, obviously the effects of drunk driving are going to be much more well-known than high driving. Also, MADD can't exactly post ads saying "if you're going to do this illegal substance, don't drive." I've never tried weed, for no real reason other than it's expensive, but I really don't have anything against it. I just think people educating other people should also be educated.

dayum you spend so much of your time writing the 230th comment, thats kinda pathetic.. also very condescending. not that everything you said was untrue but you should maybe try to smoke weed once and then you could leave shorter comments that are actually funny/interesting ;)

foryoublue94 0

WHAT THE **** YOUR ROOMMATE IS AN IDIOT. Weed isnt even bad for you. And ESPECIALLY not when compared to cigarettes and drinking. I seriously want to find this person and attack them!!

13re 0

All you mofos need to smoke and stop talking so damn much about stuff. lmfao xP and to the OP, well my friend I must say FYL I get mad when people steal 20$ pipe, lol.

zander09 0

Holy SHIT. I'd kill the mother ****** if he broke my bong. What an idiot. I don't think I'd live with someone who had those ideals. They don't deserve my living space.

bogg_fml 0

#214- You clearly see that the defination says a CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE.. In what way is weed CHEMICAL?..

In the way that everything is chemical. No physical substance can exist without having chemical properties. Water. Air. You, me, the entire earth. Everything has chemicals. And what do you think weed is? Magic? You smoke it and it magically makes you feel good? What do you think Tetrahydrocannabinol is? hurm? Could it be, maybe, a chemical substance? possible? Nah. It must be magic.