By expen_dable - 06/07/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, I came home and found out that my new roommate, who smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and drinks heavily 5 nights a week, had smashed my $300 bong because "weed is a horrible and deadly drug that will kill you slowly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 554
You deserved it 36 919

expen_dable tells us more.

expen_dable 0

1. my roommates a girl 2. My old roommate and I both bought the bong and split the price but when she transferred colleges she let me keep it 3. my roommate does drink usually 5 nights a week and she is 19 so she isn't exactly law abiding either

Top comments

Ok. If he wants to play that game then go pour any bottle of booze he has in the house down the drain, crush any pack of smokes of his you see and give him the same line about booze and nicotine. That will either stop his hypocrisy or shut him the hell up.

I would have killed him. no exageration. he would be dead. I would have shoved the pack of cigs so far up his ass he would puke tobacco!


kwhite9921 0

weed aint as bad as smoking cigarettes and heavily drinking

Maybe this was a sign for you to get a job and lay off the weed.

yeah, the $300 bong is evidence that she did not have a job.

expen_dable 0

Lol kid I'm a college sophomore with a 3.5 GPA and I have a full time job. I wonder how many of the people here saying "WEED IS FOR LOSERS!!1" are high schoolers living off of their parents...

most of them probably are. good job on the gpa. I graduated from a great university last August, smoked weed almost nightly for four years...all the while putting in 30-40 hours a week for school, plus a full time job, plus keeping up a social life. Those with no life experiences are the first to judge someone who isn't afraid to live a little. FYL, and I'm sorry you have such a bitch for a roommate.

I have a $130 bong and that's already pretty diesel. this thing must've been epic. whether you're for weed or against it, it's still wicked rude for someone to destroy his/her property. so no matter what... your roommate's a jerk.

I'm sorry about your bong, she had no right to smash it. I do agree with some of the people here who say that $300 for a bong is a bit much, but hey, you must have really liked it. Weed is not good for you, seeing as you are inhaling smoke. But honestly, no one has ever died from using marijuana and no one ever will. It has so many medicinal properties, healing qualities, and economical purposes (the cannabis plant, that is). In my opinion it is a travesty that it's not legal, while tobacco and alcohol which are basically POISON compared to marijuana are legal. Ugh, what a sham. I'm just to sick of the stereotypes that come with smoking weed. We must be stupid/drug addicts/criminals/ect. I for one am a 17 year old girl who smokes daily, with a near perfect GPA and over 200 hours of community service. I'm also a competitive dancer and a vocalist. Toke on people, but don't ever let the stereotypes catch up to you!

actually weed's medicinal properties have been overstated... It would mainly be used for to increase appetite and avoid nausea... But either way smoking is commonly considered one of the worst ways to take it as medicine if you were going to; Doctors use morphine but they're not going to go tell you to do heroin. That being stated she shouldn't have broken your shit... I mean if she was made that you were doing it while she was living there or had a problem with it she should have just moved. As long as you're not one of my friends and you're just doing your own thing I don't see why you shouldn't be able to smoke (either) or drink if it's not effecting me idc

Tobacco and alcohol are delicious. Nothing beats a glass of scotch and a bowlful of a good Virginia blend in ones pipe. Anything is poisonous after a certain point. 'studies have shown' that the antioxidants in some alcohol is entirely beneficial. But who cares. In moderation, neither will kill a person.


God this thread has so many haters. Not only is weed amazing, but every person has the right to put whatever the hell they want into their own bodies. Why would you care if I or anyone else blazes 24/7 if we stay out of your way?

what an idiot. wow who breaks a bong its like a sin!!!!!!!!!!! and weed hasnt even killed one person. hmmm... sounds like the dude is ignorant. id break all his bottles of alcohol everynight. and then some.

ledzeplover 0

for every hypocrit out there who is knockin it before tryin it SHUT THE **** UP. you cant bitch and complain about something if you dont know what you talking about. i love weed. just thinking about it is putting a giant grin on my face! haha. its magical really. ha. theres no better feeling... stoners are you with me?! :)

Yes I am :) You put a grin on my face.

dg72592_fml 0

wow that SUCKSS that is so ******* ignorant. you should kick her ass

b00nd0cksaint 0

Weed is horrible, why don't you mention all the drugs that you've tried after weed? jerk

Kay. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Wait. Nothing. Hurm. What do you think of that? Weed is only a drug that is in the gate way of the users of worse drugs. Weed does not create some magical portal which brings one to a world of Extacy and Cocaine and Heroine and Meth. Weed is weed. People try different drugs for a myriad of reasons, all of which are their own personal choices, and their own responsibility, not some inanimate object.

jewelzgalore 0

You spent ******* $300 on a bong?