Protest song

By Anonymous - 16/04/2024 18:00 - United States - Lockport

Today, I picked my sister up from the hospital. Apparently, she got into it with some guy who “didn’t look disabled” for parking in a handicapped spot and laid under his tires to stop him from leaving. He didn’t realize and ran her over. Now I have to listen to her bitch and moan about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 618
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

Oh dude.. tell her to STFU because she completely deserved it. She should not assume *anything* about anyone and mind her own business. Many disabled are *invisible* disabilities and her being a right tw@t about it only makes it harder for them to try to have a somewhat normal life.

I'm sorry your sister is such a Karen. She needs in-patient therapy and anger management before she gets herself unal¡ved. She's a threat to her safety and others'.


Vesi 29

Oh dude.. tell her to STFU because she completely deserved it. She should not assume *anything* about anyone and mind her own business. Many disabled are *invisible* disabilities and her being a right tw@t about it only makes it harder for them to try to have a somewhat normal life.

I'm sorry your sister is such a Karen. She needs in-patient therapy and anger management before she gets herself unal¡ved. She's a threat to her safety and others'.

tiptoppc 19

As a person with a disability, and have been assaulted for using my LEGAL permit, your sister can take that deserved run-over. People like her are why my wife and I were assaulted and left with concussions and (for me) hit so hard, air escaped my lungs and ended up under my collarbone. Next time she tries that, I hope she pisses off someone with a prosthetic who proceeds to beat her half to death with it.