By Kid - 17/03/2010 09:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I bullied a kid at school, just so someone would talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 050
You deserved it 80 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mshafty 0

What is the difference between you and a catfish? . . One is a bottom-feeding scum-sucker that has no benefit to society and the other is a fish.

lmao um that's probably not the best way to make friends


that's horrible! I can't believe you expect people to feel sorry for you. go **** yourself

Well, I bet some attorney might be interested in you...

Next time bully a teacher instead of some kid! I bet you have plenty of people to talk to after that, both positive and negative.

toastymarshy 0

That's pathetic, would you like it if someone bullied YOU just cause they wanted attention? I don't think so and you wonder why people don't talk to you.

vballgirl512 0

Sorry you dont have anyone to talk to, but thats just making it worse... no one wants to be friends with a bully. Why dont you have any friends? Taking your anger/sadness out on someone will just make both of you feel worse. Talk to you parents or the school counselor or something. or try saying something nice to the kid you sit next to.

what an embarrassment. bullying is never an answer.

Well, there's the reason why no one talks to you! Ever think of, I don't know, saying 'hi' to someone?

madskillz3088 0
Fully_fml 0