Wardrobe change please

By Meagan Ortiz - 16/08/2020 23:02

Today, I choked on water so hard that I threw up and shat myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 548
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you drinking quickly, or trying to drink while you were out of breath? If it was the latter, keep a note for the future that you can't breathe and swallow food/liquid at the same time, so while your body was fighting for air, pouring water down your throat was only going to lead to one thing. Or in your case, two things. If I'm right about what happened.


DirtySalamander 9

Were you drinking quickly, or trying to drink while you were out of breath? If it was the latter, keep a note for the future that you can't breathe and swallow food/liquid at the same time, so while your body was fighting for air, pouring water down your throat was only going to lead to one thing. Or in your case, two things. If I'm right about what happened.