By sarabalism - 17/12/2009 05:07 - Canada

Today, I walked into Old Navy to buy myself a pair of jingle jammies. Save yourself the embarrassment: don't shake the jammies in the middle of the store to hear the jingling, because these jammies do not jingle. You'll just look like an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 123
You deserved it 34 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

t_fangz 0

Don't feel bad. When I saw the commercial, I thought they jingled too.

mandark 9

When people like you type like that, I want to smack them.


t_fangz 0

Don't feel bad. When I saw the commercial, I thought they jingled too.

I'm confused, why would jingling PJ's be a GOOD thing? Surely that'd make it impossible to sleep...

taoxyeuxmay 4

This fml was a waste of time. I can't believe it got through.

foork 0

then why'd u take time to comment on it loser?

Can someone help a lost soul and tell me what I'm missing here? •_•

smallfarmer3 0

when people like u talk i want to smack them

mandark 9

When people like you type like that, I want to smack them.

Would you prefer this? "Today, i was looking for a way to pay for the funeral of my late wife, but since we couldn't afford life insurance, I'm buried in debts and am screwed over for life. FML" The site is for amusement, not to read horror stories. Don't like an fml? Move on.

baby_gurl2405 0

y the f*** would they jingle? didn't u think it through tht tht'd be shit during the night?? *jingle jingle* "omg this is annoying" *jingle jingle* "ugh" *jingle jingle* "thats it! screw pajamas!" see how tht could majorly be an issue???

epic_phail 0

Is your "A" button broken? Or did they change the spelling of "that" and I didn't get the memo?

Seriously. You took the time to spell pajamas but you don't find it necessary to add the 'a' in 'that'?

I dOnt wear pjs anyways I'm hot even without them I don't get how you ppl sleep in them

It seems as if teaching you how to spell was a major issue as well...

It takes a LOT for me to click "YDI" on this site. You just got one, lol!

And... Whats the point of this comment?

Skullcrusher 5

Who gives a flying freakin' rats ass?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

It may be my lack of coffee/crack-cocaine this morning, but this FML... Um, what was I going to type again?

NO CRACK? How are you functioning right now??

WHAT? WHO THE F**K ARE YOU?!! (scratches arm frantically)

.... ......... ............... I'm just speechless...