By MDoremis - 24/02/2015 04:58 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I bought How To Train Your Dragon and the cashier started complaining how her kids keep demanding dragon stuff and that mine will start after they see the movie. I don't have any kids, and I didn't have the courage to tell her I was buying it for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 105
You deserved it 5 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rieebee 23

Dragons are awesome, who cares what others think.

Hopefully you didn't get so nervous that you started to Hiccup. Of course if a guy ever laughed at me for liking kid movies then he would become Toothless.


jkp1291 25

How To Train Your Dragon is the shit. Who cares what some cashier thinks

Stick to your guns, some movies are for all ages

justsayin91 10

I'm 23 and I watch disney and Pixar all the time. no shame! they are some of the best movies I've ever watched....

My wife and I are 24. I feel like she owns a million Disney movies. I love them too. And when she feels bad, or is sick, break out the VCR, cuz we're gonna watch some Disney movies. No shame in it whatsoever. (I say Disney, cuz that's what most are. But cartoon movies is what I mean. AND, we absolutely love the How to Train Your Dragon movies)

Steve95401 49

In addition, children's movies have to have dialogue and humor for grown-ups too. After all, 6 and 7 year olds don't go to movies alone or pay for the tickets.

How To Train Your Dragon is one of the greatest movies ever! And dragons are freaking awesome too! No need to be embarrassed about it OP.

I'm 26, my wife's 24, I'm currently wearing a Despicable Me Minion beanie. We have Minion plushes. To Hell with people whose inner kids are dead.

How to Train Your Dragon is awesome and is a good movie for both kids and adults alike.

That movie is amazing. My wife and I don't have kids, and we watch the first and second ones all the time. Don't feel bad for watching "kid" movies; a lot of them are made better than "adult" movies!! :)

who gives a **** to that, dragons are awesome.