By MDoremis - 24/02/2015 04:58 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I bought How To Train Your Dragon and the cashier started complaining how her kids keep demanding dragon stuff and that mine will start after they see the movie. I don't have any kids, and I didn't have the courage to tell her I was buying it for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 105
You deserved it 5 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rieebee 23

Dragons are awesome, who cares what others think.

Hopefully you didn't get so nervous that you started to Hiccup. Of course if a guy ever laughed at me for liking kid movies then he would become Toothless.


Loved dragons since birth, and I still do... What's not to like about them?

Rubsoul24 3
buymevickis92 26

sorry OP an adult you should not be embarrassed I love carton movies also I watch them on Netflix :) I mean some people might find it creepy but their minds are probably just in a dirty place

I freakin love kids movies! Dont be ashamed. Back when my husband was my boyfriend we went and saw a cartoon (some fish movie with singing at the car wash) AND about a year ago he went to see the lego movie. So psh let your geek flag fly!!

TallMist 32

If the cashier didn't care, she would have said nothing.

Embrace your inner child! My friends and I went to the theater to watch Big Hero 6 and we are all over 21. Animated films are the best and you shouldn't be ashamed (:

Some of the best movies are kids movies. I love how to train your dragon!

Its an amazing movie so really who cares what they think. There's nothing wrong witty liking a few family/kids movies.

Yay I'm not the only kids-movie person; dreamworks and disney, perfection

That movie is super awesome, I should buy it too.