By PISSED OFF - 17/05/2015 13:09 - Australia

Today, I bought an expensive video game and decided to show it off and post a photo of it on Instagram. When I got home to play it, it rejected my activation key. I then realised it was showing in the Instagram post. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 798
You deserved it 47 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crackajak 15

You should post a picture of your credit card, I bet you'll have better results.

No other words for it really, You totally Deserve It. Tell you what though i'll buy another copy for you, just need your full name and credit-card number to verify it's really you.


Damn, maybe pay more attention next time?

the_only_spoon 14

Maybe exchange it for a new one? Can't you exchange a game for a new one of the same game?

No. It's their fault for bragging and showing the activation key on the internet. If it is your fault, you can't get a replacement. It has to be the store's fault to get a replacement.

Yeah, the store can't help you out, but the game producer might be able to. If OP can show proof of purchase and explain the situation, the company may be able to shut down the stolen key. That said, hubris is a dangerous thing. If this mistake only costs you the price of the game, you got off lucky, OP. People have lost a lot more learning this lesson. Good luck, idiot.

crackajak 15

You should post a picture of your credit card, I bet you'll have better results.

Hammer1722 19

And add his phone number and email address just to be sure.

don't forget your social Security number and date of birth

Plus his mothers maiden name and a childhood friend

Ali_Br_fml 33

Front and back, just to make sure we believe you really have a credit card, and you're not just messing with us... Oh, and what's your username? just for...erm...educational purposes, of course. ;)

sonasonic 34

Bank account details and PIN codes on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Craigslist to seal the deal.

Hammer1722 19

Plus Passport number as well. Can never have too much info

You guys are missing two of the most crucial bits of info. 1. CVV on credit card 2. Billing address

Oi, that must suck. Better keep tabs on what your posting, right?

Well, at least you know that someone's enjoying your game.

Steffi3 40

Next time, install first, then show it off

No other words for it really, You totally Deserve It. Tell you what though i'll buy another copy for you, just need your full name and credit-card number to verify it's really you.

Don't bother, I'll buy a copy for everyone here! I just won 10 millions in an international lottery which I didn't even knew I took part in :)

#7 don't forget the security questions

I believe 16 is referring to the scams on the internet claiming you somehow won money..

xivoricbutterfly 25

That sucks. I would have definitely inspected the photo before I send it online. At least someone is enjoying your game.

Why the down votes?! Inspecting a photo before sharing it to the world is bad?! Plus it is OP's fault, so why the butt hurt if someone else is enjoying it?! Even i would try using a key if i saw one. Dont tell me you won't.

I think he should have just taken a photo of the cover and not the inside of it.

Some people are just complete dickheads, the world's full of them

It's not being a ********. it's taking an opportunity to capitalize off of someone else's stupidity.

sethsmith11 21

#26 is right. i mean, Apple does it, and no one complains

No good can come from flexing on Instagram.

what was it? GTA V? but that's a pretty stupid move you made there :D