By mr. machine - 31/08/2019 04:00 - United States

Today, my 19-year-old daughter got a haircut. When I asked her if she tipped the hairdresser, she looked at me in horror and asked, "You’re supposed to tip hairdressers?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 348
You deserved it 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's only 19. I understand the look of horror, being a mix of embarrassment and feeling the strain of a toxic tipping culture. You'd better let her know about valet, restroom attendants, taxi drivers, furniture deliverers and professional movers, tour guides, car wash staff, bellhops/doormen/hotel housekeepers/concierge/basically anyone who does anything for you at a hotel (honestly hotel staff tipping expectations are out of control) and every single accursed vendor at her future wedding. Honestly we should all be looking at tipping culture in horror.

LackyLacy 5

How is she supposed to know if not through you???


LackyLacy 5

How is she supposed to know if not through you???

She's only 19. I understand the look of horror, being a mix of embarrassment and feeling the strain of a toxic tipping culture. You'd better let her know about valet, restroom attendants, taxi drivers, furniture deliverers and professional movers, tour guides, car wash staff, bellhops/doormen/hotel housekeepers/concierge/basically anyone who does anything for you at a hotel (honestly hotel staff tipping expectations are out of control) and every single accursed vendor at her future wedding. Honestly we should all be looking at tipping culture in horror.

I'm 22 and now I feel horror and disgust at myself because I knew most of those but a few surprised me

You people like giving people money for doing their job for no ****** reason

I absolutely hate having to pay for a product or service and then pay the person who helped me. But until things change, that’s the way it is. The person who is working those jobs shouldn’t get stiffed because we don’t like the way things are done here.

Tipping is not mandatory. Those employees go into those positions knowing how the pay is and that people don't have to tip. Find another position that doesn't mean depending on tips to survive. (pizza delivery driver experience here)

404wan 19

I guess all commentators are american? I'm from western europe and tipping doesnt really exist here. Sure if you went out to dinner and your service was amazing you might leave them a small tip in appreciation, but aside from that there's no tipping. Not in hotels, not for movers, and definitely not for hairdressers, what the hell is that? And never out of obligation, thats just insane. Its a tip! But i guess its different if people actually get paid for their work? I'm not sure how it works over in the US

The pay structure is different in the US. A server in a full-service restaurant has a minimum wage of under 3$US. The federal minimum wage is 7.25$US. The server's tips are expected to make up the difference between those numbers; if they do not, legally speaking, the restaurant is obligated to make up the difference in the server's paycheck....but because there aren't much in the way of worker protections, a server who needs that may or may not get it, or if they do, may not be scheduled for additional shifts. The whole thing is basically that services cost less on the price board but in practice the difference is made up in tips. Think of it a little bit of how in most countries in Europe, the price of items on the store shelf will be inclusive of tax, whereas in the US, tax is calculated at the register--we know we're going to pay more than the listed price and we have a general idea of how much.

404wan 19

Oh wow i didnt know tax wasnt included in your prices either. Thats so unnecessarily confronting. No wonder taxes are always a big deal in politics. And a 3 dollar minimum is ridiculous, but tbh its not much better here.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

Why are you meant to tip them? they run they own business

No, plenty of hairdressers simply rent the station from the owner of the salon. Normally you don't tip the business owner, who will usually also cut hair, but you should definitely tip the other personnel who directly provide services to you, whether they are stylists, hair washers, or manicurists.

2shack 7

And why should you always tip them? Most are paid decently well and are doing their job.

bl3ur0z3 17

The rules of tipping are vast and tangled. I can't expect a 19yo to be familiar with them.

NO ONE has to tip anyone. By the very definition it is a VOLUNTARY NON MANDATORY expense.