By BritneyFink - 04/02/2009 21:05 - Canada

Today, I bought a jacket with real fur on it. Turns out, i'm allergic and now my ears look like they have herpes on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 329
You deserved it 47 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chocolate_Chunk 2

because needlessly killing an animal (fake fur is just as good, if not better) for your vanity is totally the same as killing one for food.

alwaysalady 0

I have a fur coat. My sister in law got all kinds of upset, until I pointed out she was eating a burger and calling me a murderer. Then she shut up.


Thats what you get for wearing an animal. lololol

princess115 0

i dont agree with wearing fur and all you waying that there is nothing wrong with it obviously you arent educated on how they get the fur. if you have an animal then shame on you for saying its ok imagine some one taking your pet and ripping its fur off while its still alive then leaving it to die. this is what really happens look up fur farms and most use dogs,cats and other animals we think of as pets

jackdaniels23 1

It was the animals form of revenge ..he died bc of it so why not give u blisters for it lol

I'm sorry, but I have to say YDI! Real fur is not the right way to go!

I can't believe u bought a jacket with real fur. People killed an animal jut to put that fur on there ad ur worried about having that allergic reaction. Wow u must hate animals. #42 is totally right and I agree with them.

Scarletchamber, I'm going to hope you're a little kid, because it appears that you don't know much about the world. PETA is an animal rights organization while Pita is a boy named after a piece of bread.

Wow, there is a lot of outrage here!

Can I just say **** you to everyone who said ydi? you guys are ******* morons.

Life_is_FML 22

Serves you right for wearing animals bastard!

All these " YDI for buying real fur" comments make me want to go skin a deer out of spite. Seriously it's just a damn animal, if it really bothers you either toughen up or take it up with the company because the buyers don't deserve this crap. Not all animals are "tortured" for their goods

I think YDI because she bought real fur. its so freaking expensive and looks the same. waste of money.