By Anonymous - 07/03/2014 18:25 - Philippines - Quezon City

Today, I asked my grandmother what she looked like when she was young. She casually replied, "I was ugly, sweetie. Just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 392
You deserved it 4 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she's honest, she probably means it in a loving way. And now you know what you'll look like when you get old!

martialart1st18 19

How do you tell someone they're ugly in a loving way?


At least she's honest, she probably means it in a loving way. And now you know what you'll look like when you get old!

martialart1st18 19

How do you tell someone they're ugly in a loving way?

You don't. My momma repeatedly slammed a door in my face to make me beautiful. She took notes from SpongeBob.

bertyogurt 7

".... at least you don't look like Marilyn Manson..."

I mean that OP's grandmother may see a bit of herself in OP. she loves her. she cares about her. and being old she's a little more at peace with what she might call the truth and isn't afraid to say it haha. there's nothing wrong with any of that

badluckalex 23

op's grandma is just sarcastic?

How was that bad English? The only mistake she made was using two periods

#40- LOL? Can't tell if that was sarcasm. They didn't capitalize the first letter after a statement, and they used the wrong "your."

jazzy_123 20

2, maybe she really isn't....

I think #34 also meant she used your when she should've used you're

I hate when people say things like "I'm sure you're beautiful", "I'm sure you're smart" etc. Well, you know what? Most people aren't beautiful or smart. Most people are ugly and not very bright. We need to embrace who we are. I am ugly,. Why should I lie to myself? This is the only way to live a truly happy life. Stop worrying about little things like that!

I honestly do not get why the original comment got so many thumbs down....... It seems like they were only trying to be nice to the OP

don't believe grandma, her old eyes might have deceived her. I'm sure that you're a beautiful person.

No, always believe your grandparents. They don't have filters so everything that comes out is from the heart!

that's so mean! Maybe she's just kidding;)

Aww, that's so sad! But I bet you're not ugly like she says.

olpally 32

Old people are just mad they're not young anymore. It happens.

Perhaps, in time, you too will come to accept it. Love your ugly self, OP!