By anonymous - 20/04/2016 03:09 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I asked a short girl to prom by making a "You must be this tall to say no" sign. She grabbed a chair, stood on it, and then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 30 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like your plan fell a little short of the mark


Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Come on man never call girls short, their fun sized!

expertsmilee 26

Their fun sized what??? TELL ME!

Isa_fml 20

You made fun of her, and then told her she wasn't allowed to say no? Dumbass. Good for her.

bigdfootball97 24

Some girls find this cute; others, insulting. Sounds like you didn't know her personality too well before asking her to prom, OP.

I'm probably gonna get downvoted to Hell and back, but here it goes: Before you all start calling OP a dick or whatever, think that he may be close friends with the girl and they might be comfortable enough with eachother to play jokes like that. Not everyone is insecure about themselves. Idk the whole story, but I just wanted to put this thought out there. Sorry for the rejection, OP, but she did find a clever way to respond.

sure, maybe that's the case, but I feel like if she were a friend, he would've added it in the FML...not gunna downvote you ; )

We are going with the info given. If they are close and this was just posted for humor, why would op care? He knows that the girl was joking as well. If not, hopefully he will learn something.

Kristoffer 35

She might have said yes, if you didn't implicitly take away her right to choose.

loctran 4

that's kinda messed up honestly. using somebody's height to make them go with you. I'm glad she said no.

To be fair as a short girl I probably would have done the same.

Ignore the haters OP. I thought it was cute and I would have gone to prom with you!

That's you. He didn't ask you, now did he? It shouldn't be what others think is cute and nice, it should be what the person who is being asked thinks is cute and nice. It seems the girl here didn't find it such.