By anonymous - 20/04/2016 03:09 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I asked a short girl to prom by making a "You must be this tall to say no" sign. She grabbed a chair, stood on it, and then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 30 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like your plan fell a little short of the mark


cptncuttlefish 24

I wanna high five her for handling that like a pro. You deserved it buddy

Credit for creativity, but just because it's a creative idea doesn't make it a good one.

Damn! Low blow but nah that was ****** up

AdamTodddBrown 11

Maybe don't make fun of her height, y'know?

Y'all so PC lol just chill it was a cool attempt that I've never seen before.

that's a real asshole thing to do, I can see why she said no lmao

****.. I need to make a poster for my prom date but idfk what to do