By anonymous - 20/04/2016 03:09 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I asked a short girl to prom by making a "You must be this tall to say no" sign. She grabbed a chair, stood on it, and then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 30 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like your plan fell a little short of the mark


EnlightenedClown 19

You insulted her for her height and expected her to have said yes. Hm....good intention, poor execution. YDI

Hell, she should have just hit you with the chair, WWE-style. That's pretty asinine.

This is why big promposals are dumb. They pressure the one being asked to say yes. Major props to her for saying no confidently.

that could've been something she was insecure about

Making fun of someone's height to get a date is the same as trying to do the slight insult and then ask her out. Glad she thinks better if herself than you do.

It's really about the chemistry between you two. I know people I'd laugh my ass off and said "Yes!" and others I'd want to kick in the nuts for joking about my height. Sorry, OP, I guess you meant to be funny, not mean.

courtzzz23 17

probably because she felt like you were making fun of her height. always get a girls opinion when doing stuff like this! ydi op

kev1029 22

you made fun of her height while asking her out. yeah, you deserved it. you're lucky she didn't punch you in the nuts.

Sorry dude. You deserved it cause that's a wrong way of getting her to go out with you.