By traveling - 09/07/2013 11:18

Today, I arrived in Germany for a summer-long stay. The family I'm supposed to stay with had said they spoke fluent English. They don't. I don't speak German. It's going to be a quiet two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 975
You deserved it 6 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you should be pretty good at German by the end if your stay. You always learn faster when you're forced to!

CammyGal 26

Why would you choose to go to Germany if you didn't know the language? You couldn't have expected the family to do everything for you. If you were forced to go, you still should have known beforehand and made an effort to learn.


graceinsheepwear 33

Wouldn't you have at least one phone or Skype conversation with someone before you travel overseas to live with them for a whole summer? How did you arrange it?

justmeCee 16

Get the Duolingo app if you have an teaches conversational German..good luck to you & have a fun summer!:)

sharibaby 6

Google Translator! I used it when I was stuck in Mexico for 2 weeks. It's pretty accurate! Good Luck OP :]

Just stick your whole arm up with your hand extended to everybody and you should be fine.

As long as you are actively trying to learn the language you should be fine. I went to France at the age of 15 and didn't know much as I was taking a starting course at the time. By the time I left (2 weeks later) I could put together sentences and deduce what was being said to me. Good luck!

Well, to be honest, YDI for going to country that you don't speak the native language of. That's kinda ignorant...

The same thing is happening to me as we speak. I have not spoken in 3 days.. 6 more weeks to go

Lesson Learned: Before entering a foreign country, learn a little of their language (even if it's just the basics). Not only is it helpful, it's respectful. Viel Glück!

Learn German, don't use google or anything just let then teach you

caligirllife 11

So you decided to stay with a family you've never met personally nor talked on the phone/skyped with for a whole summer?