By traveling - 09/07/2013 11:18

Today, I arrived in Germany for a summer-long stay. The family I'm supposed to stay with had said they spoke fluent English. They don't. I don't speak German. It's going to be a quiet two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 975
You deserved it 6 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you should be pretty good at German by the end if your stay. You always learn faster when you're forced to!

CammyGal 26

Why would you choose to go to Germany if you didn't know the language? You couldn't have expected the family to do everything for you. If you were forced to go, you still should have known beforehand and made an effort to learn.


how could they have told u that they speak English if they don't speak English?

OP said they don't speak fluent English, which means they may speak enough to say that.

It may also be because OP is in a program, and the family's information in the program was in correct

Why the **** did you go to Germany for all summer if you don't speak German ?

many germans speak english, so not to worry. this is the best way to learn a language

You're going to be in Germany all summer long and you didn't bother to learn at least the basics of the language? How are you supposed to enjoy the culture?? YDI

davek 36

Surely learning the language is one of the main reasons for going?

Aw, I'm sorry this happened to you. It happened to me once, with a french family. And they were so secluded too. It was a horrible stay! Hope you get to meet other people there, and get out a bit. And that you pick up on German fast!

I don't think this is an fml at all! I would love to stay with Germans that don't speak English.

And what keeps you from learning German? O_o

xAkonz 10

How would they tell you they spoke fluent English if they only spoke German?