By traveling - 09/07/2013 11:18

Today, I arrived in Germany for a summer-long stay. The family I'm supposed to stay with had said they spoke fluent English. They don't. I don't speak German. It's going to be a quiet two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 975
You deserved it 6 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you should be pretty good at German by the end if your stay. You always learn faster when you're forced to!

CammyGal 26

Why would you choose to go to Germany if you didn't know the language? You couldn't have expected the family to do everything for you. If you were forced to go, you still should have known beforehand and made an effort to learn.


That's just a straight up lie, why would someone do that?

You'll get by ok. Just remember, the German word for hello is 'heil', and is typically accompanied by extending the right arm outwards at a slight upward angle.

I came to Japan not knowing any Japanese, and my host family did not speak any English either. I disagree that it's possible to go from zero to near-fluent in a summer just through immersion, but I must say that the language barrier did not prevent my host family and I from having the time of our lives together. So just load up a good auto-translator onto your phone, and have at it. And don't underestimate the importance of body language. PS: No part of this was meant to sound laced with innuendo. Really.

Sonotsuave 35

Hey, you can always point & grunt things.

Ins0mau 20

Hey! That's how we speak Australian!

Go to a travel store and get a translation book.

monstababe92 6

use google translator for what you want to say and let it read it out loud to them.

Well good luck. I hope you at least brought a German for dummies book

How did they tell you they were fluent in English if they don't speak English, and you don't speak German?