By KittyNeko - 28/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I allowed my friend to talk me into going on a date. The guy's truck smelled like formaldehyde - I'm assuming from the snake that he apparently tried to turn into a necklace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 065
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DoomJeff91 2

At least it didn't smell like chloroform. Then, you'd be in big trouble.

Formaldehyde is a preservative. The OP likely meant that her date was using a dead snake preserved in formaldehyde as a necklace.


I'm not sure I completely get this - are you saying he used formaldehyde to kill a snake to turn it into a necklace?

Dead animals are soaked in formaldehyde to preserve them. She's assuming the smell came off the snake, which leads us to assume that the snake was dead. OP...that bites. Or doesn't it?

And by what proof do you have of this? "Oh em gee people don't preserve snakes to make as necklaces FAKE" Also OP it seems every single hookup you didn't come up with is shit and will always be shit. Just tell your friend(s) to **** their tongue with a drill. Good luck on not dating creepy snake guys.

Are you kidding? Snake necklaces is one of the most ******* awesome things I've ever heard of. I am going to turn preserved animals into clothes.

I only buy snake skin products from companies that use roadkill snakes. It's not right to go out and hunt them down, but if they're dead anyway, why waste them?

Formaldehyde is a preservative. The OP likely meant that her date was using a dead snake preserved in formaldehyde as a necklace.

(makes a tear motion on his face with right hand) Anaconda...

DoomJeff91 2

At least it didn't smell like chloroform. Then, you'd be in big trouble.

femmeixifatality 0

Oh man. As a snake owner, this makes me cringe.

girlygirl666 0
omargosh 1

HAHA you'll probably get a pigs tail as a wedding ring.

how do u know what formaldehyde smells like?

If you've ever dissected anything in any science class, you'd know. It's a smell that, while it doesn't necessarily haunt you for the rest of your days, it's very easily recognizable henceforth. And it can give you one hell of a headache.

I took a vet assisting class, and we dissected cats, to learn about the insides, anyways it IS a smell you will recognize if you were to smell it again.