By Goatbeard - 15/02/2011 17:13 - United States

Today, I just pulled out of the fast food drive through, only to pull right behind a septic truck. Just as I was about to dig into my food, I noticed it had a handy window about a foot round. I had a stare-down with a turd until I could pass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 152
You deserved it 3 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your fast food didn't include a brownie. With nuts.

DogmaT_fml 4

eat it while staring. I SAID, EAT IT WHILE STARING.


I hope your fast food didn't include a brownie. With nuts.

Did the wordin of this FMl make anybody else laugh? I couldn't help but lmao.

deafeningsilence 8

15- It sounded kind of awkward, IMO.

The person stared at a turd till the light turned green.

laxgirl17 5

This is actually all part of an American weight loss program. It's a proven fact that you are less likely to eat fast food if you stare at a turd.

I thought the OP was calling someone a turd and didn't realize it was an actual turd. haha I was so confused.

doctor_itsmylife 3

"handy window about a foot round. " epic word choose fail


Well this sounds like he has had a shitty time

reverb_neon 0

new marketing campaign for Mc Donalds. instead of the hamburglar it's the turd burglar.

lemoncows 2

their stuff tastes like crap anyway ...

it also looks like sumone sat on it loathe box is always smished lol

allyandcolour03 0

Shit that sucks. I bet u cud smell it too huh? Good luck eating now

could*. I'm not bothering to correct anything else. FYI - "cud" is what cows chew.

Susieee_Q 9
shylodragon 0

wow, totally taken from Cop Out!

DogmaT_fml 4

eat it while staring. I SAID, EAT IT WHILE STARING.

Just imagine how bad the driver of the septic tank has it. They're the one that has to haul around all that poop!

perdix 29

You should have jumped out of your car and beaten the shit out of it!

Fast food doesn't necessarily mean it's McDonald's. In California, it could very well be In N Out. But then again, In N Out isn't exactly fast food...