By Anonymous - 17/10/2012 10:15 - Australia

Today, for the second time, I met the man I'm having an arranged marriage with in 3 months. I'd previously met him last night, while he was mugging me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 101
You deserved it 3 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zoh_Aubrey 8

The arranged marriage is really the worst part of this FML.

This is one of those situations I really want to hear more about.


BGSU2012 3

Most arranged marriages today are at the request of the to-be husband and wife! She can probably get out of it...sorry OP, that's scary and shocking.

Sounds like it could be an arranged Gypsy wedding to me.

What a smart man mugging the woman he's having an arranged marriage with. Makes sense.

rachilre 7

I'm not sticking up for the mugger but he probably didn't know it was his soon to be wife.

He probably realized it afterwards and felt like a huge idiot. Hopefully he just gave it all back.

condango 0

Well you're getting married to him, so being the wife, you automatically take everything anyway.

Well now you'll get back what he mugged lol

herpderp139 2

You deserve it for accepting an arranged marriage. If people like you were willing to emancipate themselves from their pathetic tribal affiliations and social obsessions, institutions like this could disappear. “If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.”

Rob him of sex. Better yet, rob him of his money, and go to Europe.

spiritfang11237 16

Isn't every marriage arranged? It's not like you wake up one morning and boom you get married.

TheDrifter 23

You've never been to Vegas have you?