By Timetoloseweight - 11/11/2009 16:03 - France

Today, for my birthday, my friends and family gave me: A Wii Fit, a free year at the gym and a book of diet recipes. They didn't consult with each other. I've asked for "something corresponding to me". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 907
You deserved it 15 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

very expensive presents for someone so ungrateful

Phoenix_GAD 0

oh shut up. you got a wii fit. stop complaining, you are really ungrateful.


hydro_fml 0

They're just trying to keep you in shape ;-)

So take the hint and lose some ******* weight.

tmptmptmp 0

theyre trying to tell you something. quit eating McDonald food and work out. oh you might want to thank them. those are expensive as heck.

saucey12 1

newsflash your fat get over it

grammarpolice23 0

your- of or pertaining to you. you're- you are

Eh, I don't have weight issues and I would love that. Even if I did, at least it would be a chance to get fit I guess? Ha.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

hey, get a hot body during winter and spring then hit the beach.

Take the hint. It's not like they are being dicks about it. It's a nice and subtle way of telling someone this. They are only trying to help out. So don't complain and do something about it.

******* good presents and you'll be fit so what's the problem

Sounds like really good stuff I would want for my birthday. Last year, only 2 of my friends remembered my birthday. What did i get? a pen and a pair of chopsticks.