Happy birthday?

By Not really - 19/07/2018 15:00

Today, I picked up a birthday card for my dad at the supermarket in a mad rush. I didn’t realise that the inside said “From your daughter”. He thinks this was my way of coming out as trans, and said that he'd suspected it for years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 396
You deserved it 1 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly OP has much to learn in the way of dad jokes.

YDI for not paying attention and waiting until the last minute for such a simple thing to get done early.


Zekfen 17

You should just go along with it and send him pictures of drag queens saying that is you in make up. Tell him you tape your willy back and all that also. Maybe buy some women’s underwear to leave out around the house with your name written in the back. Just have fun with it.

It’s either he thinks you’re trans or you’re so thoughtless and careless, that you couldn’t put the slightest effort into selecting and appropriate card. Between the two, I’d go with trans, Caitlyn.

Clearly OP has much to learn in the way of dad jokes.

next time just stare at him and say "geez, one of our mothers should have swallowed"

Huh...well, if nothing else you gave me an interesting idea for how to come out as trans to people. Though birthday might be a bit too situational...what card-giving event would it be best to come out during?

Just tell him that his daughter got in touch with you, and her mom wants a word with your mom.

gavanator127 8

At least you know your dad’s an accepting dude XD

ProperPengTing 15

YDI for not paying attention and waiting until the last minute for such a simple thing to get done early.

PenguinPal3017 19

Look on the positive side. Your dad thought it easier to believe that you are transgender than it was to believe that you didn't put any thought into your card choice. He sees you as more sentimental than you are.