By Timetoloseweight - 11/11/2009 16:03 - France

Today, for my birthday, my friends and family gave me: A Wii Fit, a free year at the gym and a book of diet recipes. They didn't consult with each other. I've asked for "something corresponding to me". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 907
You deserved it 15 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

very expensive presents for someone so ungrateful

Phoenix_GAD 0

oh shut up. you got a wii fit. stop complaining, you are really ungrateful.


being overweight is dangerous for your health , so it just means they care about you and wouldn't like you to die of a heart attack or develop diabetis , however , i think these presents are quite depressing and should have been given to you at another moment . I think i'd rather get a camera or a book for my birthday than medical devices .

What if the person isn't over weight, just a little heavy...I think you over thought this one

czalc 0

So I'm guessing this means your still fat? Haha your a bitch.

Hmmm sorry man but just use the stuff anyway. It can help. If you are fat.

HannahPaloozah 0

What's everybody fussing about ? She's not saying they are bad presents , she's saying that her friends think she's fat.

autumnisintheair 7

Meh, i'd be pretty happy to get a free year at the gym.

aerro1 0

All the negative comments are in denial. All those people who say "YDI" can go to hell. They probably are trying to. Conceal the fact that they are fatter than you, no offense. I'm sure you look fine! Even if you are.. Obese..... I mean why can't people accept people's appearances. Plus, wii fit is fun! Don't take it personally :)