By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 11:48 - United States

Today, finishing up in the shower room, I walked into the kitchen to get a drink. Apparently both bathrooms were occupied and my grandmother really had to go... She was bent over in the kitchen peeing into a cup. I may never be able to erase this image. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 842
You deserved it 2 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha. Wow. Talk about scarred for life. Reminds my of the time my great grandmother was doing laundry, and decided the shirt and bra she was wearing needed to be washed too. O.O

1) Make a note of which cup it was. 2) Make sure you never use it. 3) Wait until a sibling is really annoying. 4) Make them a tasty beverage in the cup. 5) Tell them the hilarious anecdote. 6) Run.


Hahaha. Wow. Talk about scarred for life. Reminds my of the time my great grandmother was doing laundry, and decided the shirt and bra she was wearing needed to be washed too. O.O

Of course, I've also created my share of things-that-can't-be-unseen as well ^_^

I hope u never drink out of that cup again

Corrections: Can you say "YouTube"? You can say "YouTube". Say, can you YouTube this? Either way your grammar was incorrect.

mintcar 9

Awkward much? What do you even say to that?

Grab a spoon and start digging your eyes out. Keep going till you die, or you will forever have that image in your mind. Definitely FYL.

bonsaiboy26 1