By DyingPlants - 10/10/2011 03:27 - United States

Today, during my first date with a girl I've liked for awhile, she tells me about some minor disabilities she was born with. Wanting to be honest with her too, I tell her I'm slightly autistic. Her response was, "I'm sorry this isn't going to work. I can't date a retard." I had to eat alone after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 941
You deserved it 3 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omfg_creepers 8

What a bitch *****. I hope she falls off here bike and gets small rocks stuck in her knee and cries.


That is soooo ****** up!!! I'm sorry, OP.

"Craaazy bitch whooooooore" (I hope someone knows what I'm reffering to)

RKD 23

What a giant douchette! You are much better off without her, op!

bubo_fml 10

Forget that slag! Like many here, I too have pretty severe Aspbergers. I'm kind of like David Helfgott in "Shine," Musical as hell, but can't talk with people worth a damn. TMI constantly flying through my mind & not enough verbage to get it out coherently. When people tease me about it, I don't get upset, I actually pity them. They have no idea how their ignorance makes them appear so silly & stupid to everyone. As far as Women go? Fish in the sea, m'laddo! You'll find a caring & compassionate soul out there somewhere, sometime, somehow, someway, someday...

taylor27000 0

Wow some people are just ****** up.. Karmas a bitch so she better watch out

Nope, 89 and 112; 71 is right. There is an Autism spectrum, yes - but you're either on the spectrum or not. Saying that you are "slightly" autistic is incorrect. We all understand, but the correct way to say that is to say you have autism and are high functioning.

Miscellaneous519 2

**** that bitch! There is a monumental difference between Autism and mental "retardation" (which even people with Down's Sydrome aren't technically "retarded", their brains are connected differently than an average human being's). In fact, most people with Autism are far more intelligent than the average person.