By firstdate - 24/01/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I was on my first date with my crush. When I saw her, I greeted her with, "Hey, sweetheart." She's convinced I said, "Hey, retard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 254
You deserved it 5 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That reminds me of the time I passed by my friend at school in the hallway, and said, "What's up?" she looked hurt and didn't respond. Later, I asked her why. She thought I said 'Shut up'. Communication Fail.

saranottelling 7

What I really want to know is why you greeted her with "Hey sweetheart" on the1st date. That's more of a 5th-10th date thing. On the 1st-5th dates you greet each other by name. The 10th date and up you start making those really horrible nicknames that make your friends sick each time you use them.


first! wait u called her retarted or she called u retard?

hallucinog3n 0

"first" fail x2 (you were #4, plus no one cares) on a more relevant note, when i first hung out with the girl i am now dating, i proclaimed "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ******* STUPID?" in reference to something i saw outside. it took me a while to convince her that i was not, in fact, responding to her previous statement... you'll be fine if you explain how ridiculous it would have been for you to say that

darn ipod wont allow me 2 comment more than once in like an hour :@ she thought he said retard, so really nobody said retard..

Yes, thank you for explaining a situation that needed no explanation. I wish your iPod would stop you from commenting at all.

That reminds me of the time I passed by my friend at school in the hallway, and said, "What's up?" she looked hurt and didn't respond. Later, I asked her why. She thought I said 'Shut up'. Communication Fail.

SighOfTheWorld 7

She must be one then. Even if she misheard, the context doesn't make any sense for you to have said that. There's no reason to be convinced otherwise. It was an unfortunate and disappointing moment, but be grateful you found out how she reacts to things now. This was a red flag. Hope your next crush is smarter and less paranoid.

saranottelling 7

What I really want to know is why you greeted her with "Hey sweetheart" on the1st date. That's more of a 5th-10th date thing. On the 1st-5th dates you greet each other by name. The 10th date and up you start making those really horrible nicknames that make your friends sick each time you use them.

Aw, damn. I've been going about it all wrong then, with the whole "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?" line. Should it wait until after the first date?

dudeitsdanny 9

I agree. I came in to say he deserved it for being so forward so soon. Use the rag on the first date. If she doesnt remembrler it, repeat in the consecutive dates =P

He wasn't using it as a pet name for a girlfriend like "my sweetie" he was using in a greeting sense. I know plenty of people who will call a girl sweetheart without meaning it romantically.

Only if she doesn't agree to come in for coffee.

CaroAurelia 12

Well, I don't know if guys so much do this (I'm a girl), but sometimes I call people stuff like "sweetie" or "dollbaby" even if we're not dating or I'm not even romantically interested in them. It's just what I say. So maybe he's one of those.