So wrong

By Anonymous - 15/06/2020 08:09

Today, my boyfriend came over to meet my family. When I told him I had an autistic brother before he came in, he immediately broke up with me because he claimed autism is another word for overprotective. I've been dating an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 892
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In cases like this, the saying usually goes, "You dodged a bullet". But in your case, you dodged a cannonball.

tounces7 27

And this is literally the FIRST time you've noticed he was an idiot? Or just the first time that it bothered you?


In cases like this, the saying usually goes, "You dodged a bullet". But in your case, you dodged a cannonball.

What a moron! "Autistic" means good at painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery, etc. How did this world get so full of idiots!?!?

tounces7 27

And this is literally the FIRST time you've noticed he was an idiot? Or just the first time that it bothered you?